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  • No Right To Remembrance

    No Right To Remembrance

    The last time Evelyn laid eyes on him, he was sucking his thumb furiously, his blanket tangled around his little body, sweat making his soft blonde hair curl. Dozing in…

  • Absurd


    “Having lost grip of the misshapen metaphors / encasing your aloneness in merciless words / resembling that unrecognisable weapon / that turned your existence upside down.” — from “Misshapen Metaphors”

  • Maria Patakia: The Temporariness of Beauty, Love, and Existence

    Maria Patakia: The Temporariness of Beauty, Love, and Existence

    Maria Patakia is a multidimensional personality, She intertwines poetry, theatre, and cinema with her profession as a lawyer at the European Commission. She is the author of four poetry volumes…

  • Mississippi Summer | 60 Years Later

    Mississippi Summer | 60 Years Later

    On August 4th, 1964, the FBI discovered the bodies of Chaney, Schwerner, and Goodman buried under a newly made dam on a nearby farm. David remained in Mississippi until most…

  • “The Capital” by Robert Menasse: The colors of Brussels

    “The Capital” by Robert Menasse: The colors of Brussels

    Robert Menasse’s novel “The Capital” is a multifaceted narrative that hits straight to the heart of Brussels and the EU bubble. With a keen eye for detail and a penchant…