
The Brussels Review invites authors to submit their literary and academic works for publication. To ensure a smooth and efficient review process, please follow these guidelines:

Guidelines for Manuscript Formatting

In the world of publishing, adhering to standard manuscript formatting is crucial. It ensures your work is professional, readable, and meets industry expectations. Below are the key guidelines that you should follow when preparing your manuscripts for submission to TBR:

  1. Font and Size: Use a standard, easily readable font like Times New Roman with a 12-point size.
  2. Line Spacing: Double-space the entire manuscript. This includes all text, block quotes, dialogue, and headings.
  3. Margins: Set 1-inch (or 2.5 cm) margins on all sides of the document.
  4. Alignment and Indentation: Text must be left-aligned, not justified. Each new paragraph should have a 0.5-inch (or 1.2 cm) first-line indent.
  5. Page Numbers and Header Information: Include page numbers in the header or footer. Additionally, the header should contain your last name, the manuscript’s title, and the page number, aligned to the right.
  6. Title Page: Your title page must feature the manuscript’s title, your name (or pen name), and your contact information, providing a clear introduction to your work.
  7. Section and Scene Breaks: Use a clear indicator of 3 asterisks for scene breaks within chapters.
  8. Chapter Headings: Start each new chapter on a new page. Center the chapter title (e.g., “Chapter 1”).
  9. Italics and Underlining: Use italics for emphasis or internal thoughts or references to real people, works, trademarks, and so on.
  10. Dialogue Formatting: (not required) Format dialogue with proper punctuation and attribution. Each new speaker’s dialogue should begin on a new line, making conversations clear and easy to follow.

By following these guidelines, you will present your work in a polished and professional manner, increasing your chances of making a positive impression on our Editorial Team.

Download a formatted template here.

Translations: If your submission is a translation, include the names and contact information of both, the original author and the translator. This ensures proper accreditation and communication.

Genres: We publish poetry, fiction, nonfiction, reviews and art & photography. All works should be submitted in 1 file per piece, so they can be accepted or rejected individually.

  • Poetry: submit at least 5 poems.
  • Fiction and nonfiction: any length of no more than 7.000 words.
  • Reviews: no more than 2.000 words, for any art or literary genres.
  • Art & Photography: submit at least 10 works, the resume and links to portfolio.

Response Time: We answer all submission and all submission will get a response, be that a negative one. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Original Work: We accept only original, unpublished works for the print issue. By submitting, you confirm that your work is your own and has not been previously published. Works previously published in books or shared on social media can be submitted for publication on our website only.

Submission Periods: We accept submissions year-round, but there are peak periods. Check our website for updates on submission windows and themes.

Multiple & Simultaneous Submissions: We accept multiple submissions, as long as they are in different genres, and simultaneous submissions, as long as we are informed immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.

Submission Fees: There are no fees for submitting your work, but we appreciate tips, which go toward the submissions’ expenses. To show our appreciation, all tipped submissions will receive a response and feedback within one week. Every little bit helps, and we thank you in advance for your support.

Publication Rights: By submitting, you grant The Brussels Review first serial rights to your work. After publication, all rights revert to the author, and we request acknowledgment if the work is republished elsewhere.

Payment: We understand the challenges that writers, especially those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, face. So, to support these authors, we offer sometimes compensation, considered case-by-case, the details of which are decided by the Editorial Team. With the expansion of our reach, we will extend the compensations to all authors.

Editorial Process: Our editorial team conducts a rigorous review process to maintain the highest standards. Feedback may be provided for accepted works.

Thank you for your interest in The Brussels Review. We are excited to read your submissions and potentially share your work with our readers. Don’t forget to check out our Contributors page; who knows, you may be our next team member.

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