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A surreal tale of entrapment, “Hair Line” follows Chris Mars as an inexplicable affliction unravels his life, leaving a web of absurdity and introspection in its wake.
A poignant exploration of love and mental health, Elle captures the delicate intersections of intimacy, anxiety, and resilience in the face of separation.
In TORSOS, Linden Hibbert crafts a surreal dystopia where dismembered torsos, legs, and feet haunt a forensic inspector tasked with unraveling their secrets—until one escapes.
What does it mean to honor a family’s legacy? The Holocaust Survivors Social Club delves into the weight of generational trauma and cultural bonds. A moving exploration of duty and…
A gripping tale of love, betrayal, and survival in the harsh realities of immigrant life. From Glasgow Without Love explores identity, sacrifice, and the pursuit of hope in a world…