Cover Art: Balloons, by Dastid Miluka, Acrylic on canvas, 2011, 40 x 30 cm. Private Collection. For inquiries about this piece, please contact us at
Dream Margin
In the night
when I am perched
on the edge of sleep
you appear, just
out of the dream shadows,
avoiding the light,
you are featureless.
I call to you and I think
you must be smiling
but your voice is the wind
through the Austrian pines
and the drip from the ever
shrinking icicles
that slowly abandoned
the eaves of the house.
Quiet Departure
There was a quiet in the departure
a slow leaving without any warning
his mind an overdeveloped picture
He asked repeatedly if we were sure
it was already time for our leaving
there was a quiet in the departure
He forgot simple things, clung to obscure
memories, stared at his hand, at the ring
his mind an overdeveloped picture
It was, he said, as if his mind detoured
and once off the path, lost, his thoughts took wing
there was a quiet in the departure
He thought of childhood, the simple pleasure
playing on the beach, the salt water’s sting
his mind an overdeveloped picture
He saw images he could not capture
till he grew so tired, and just stopped thinking
there was a quiet in the departure
his mind an overdeveloped picture