A Hellish Betrothal
She was the heaven
Hell could not obtain.
He had been banished,
and God’s disdain.
Melancholy surrounded Hell’s protest;
Heaven should have felt detest.
But heaven’s heart tripped and fell,
straight into the hands of hell.
The gods were baffled;
a spark of love battled.
Heaven refused to believe it was love,
Ignoring revelations from above.
“I, so full and pure,
cannot fall into traps, cannot be lured.”
Hell, battling those thoughts himself,
gave in and took what was offered to shelf.
He took all the hate heaven had to offer.
She started to give in, thinking, “Why bother?”
Now heaven sat empty, only love in her hands.
She started to pluck slowly her strands.
She gave and gave until hell became heaven,
Then perished the gods of pagans and heathens.
A Sacrifice
Once, the wings of truth
Were fired to flames.
An angel wept, trying to save its lover.
A sacrifice had to be made for life:
The wings were taken,
Antlers given instead.
Forsaken Child
I am the devil’s daughter,
I’ll lead your way with hate.
I am the devil’s daughter,
I’ll carve your bones with pain.
I am the devil’s daughter,
I’ll consume you till you ache.
I am the devil’s daughter,
I’ll sacrifice you for a wake.
I am the devil’s daughter,
I’ll use you and your fate.
I am the devil’s daughter,
I’ll guide you till you’re dead awake.
A True Friend
The devil came to my rescue
when my heart burned in fire.
You accused me of lying
while acceptance was my only desire.
Your lasso whipped against
my bare skin until I bled,
but that torture didn’t hurt me,
it was the words that you said.
The bruises and scars
over time diminished.
Now my patience is ending;
it’s almost finished.
A Love Story
The desert told me
of the sea that used to be there.
Opened her heart, gave me her shells.
Told me of her water flowing.
Told me of their past growing.
Told me how
she devoured her lover
from her shore.
Truth Be Told
A jackfruit tree from which
bats dangle at night
is the reason of my horrors
and someone’s delight.
Sympathy for those bats
I hold in my heart;
no one seems to like them;
a symbol of darkness they’ve become.
They seem unbothered by that fact.
Going on and live
in peaceful neighborhoods,
causing unrest in a child’s heart.
The child taught by the pen
but not preached the truth of the world.
Perhaps one day
it’ll understand the bats and
sympathize with them too.