Dreams We Ignore

Same lucid dream –
a mass casualty event
worse than a tornado,
hurricane, earthquake
tsunami or volcanic eruption
as the heat wave arrives
and the power grid fails
and cold sweats turn hot
as air conditioning units
everywhere stop cooling
and millions go from the
frying pan into the fire
upon awakening to find
the dreams we ignore
have a way of coming true
as nature becomes
a fire-breathing dragon
and the mass migrations
and extinctions begin.


Eternal Optimist

We’re going south,
or so they say.

Temperatures rising,
hurricanes brewing
on the left, end of
democracy on the right.

On the bright side,
the heat wave should
be over by winter.

Oh look, the forecast
is calling for nothing
but sunny days with a
chance of blood, frogs,
lice, flies, mad cow, boils,
hail, locusts, darkness and
a spike in infant mortality.

Even more reason
to vote in November.


See the Rainbow

So you think she
makes nice like
snow white with
a heart of gold
on a pink cloud
where everything
has a silver lining
when her true colors
give her away as
a yellow belly
brown noser
who sings the blues
but sees only red
because underneath
it all she’s green with
envy and wants to give
a black eye to anyone
who doesn’t give her
a purple heart.

We may be in a
bit of a gray area
here, but has anyone
ever told you that
you are color blind
or have a bad habit
of projecting?

Before you tramp
stamp her with
the scarlet letter,
if you truly want
to see the rainbow
that makes her who
she is, you might try
getting to know her.


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  • Todd Matson is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in North Carolina, United States. His poetry has been published in numerous literary magazines. He has also written lyrics for songs recorded by several contemporary Christian music artists, including Brent Lamb, Connie Scott and The Gaither Vocal Band.